Mandatory Public Disclosure

Atkinson High School, Gollapudi


Social Club provides us an important part of our identity, and more than that, they teach us a set of skills that help us to live our lives. As humans, social interaction is essential to every aspect of our health.


  • Social studieseducates students on citizenship, providing them with the knowledge, skills and attitudes that will help them to become competent and responsible.
  • Citizens, who are informed, thoughtful, participate in their community and exhibit moral and civic virtues.


Laudato si aims to raise  awareness of sustainable development among young people of all ages, to empower them, listen to them and help them to be heard.


  • It promotes sustainable activities with campaigns etc.
    Activites include :  Poster making on Environment Day, videos on awareness program related to laudato si, forming green committee, participation in an adopt  high way event, rain water collection, preparing a compost pit in school etc.


Health is certainly wealth and real wealth of a nation is its future generation. Hence it is one of the primary responsibility of the school to promote among its pupils awareness about the value of good health and how to maintain it. As a part of the endeavour we have the Health and Wellness Club.

Activities of the club include:

  • Conducting survey from VI to X
  • Maintaing a health card
  • An assembly on Health Awareness
  • Pin Up board displays
  • Yoga
  • Meditation
  • Poster making /painting competition
  • Awareness programmes on ear, eye, skin, dental hygiene and proper eating habits.
  • Information on health and personal hygiene
  • Speeches by science teachers on good habits.
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